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Military Children Will Receive More Support for Learning Math With Help From 21st Century New Teacher Institute. Click here to read more.
Photo courtesy of the U.S. Department of Defense.
21st Century New Teacher Institute is very excited to announce its latest partnership contract with the Charles A. Dana Center at The University of Texas at Austin and the U.S. Department of Defense Education Activity to advance math education for children on U.S. military bases. 21st Century New Teacher Institute is the proud recipient of the Dana Center International Fellowship Award to help train teachers and administrators to deliver consistent, high-quality math instruction to thousands of students whose parents are in the military across the globe.
The project will support changes in math instruction provided to approximately 75,000 students, enrolled in grades pre-K through 12, at schools on military bases in 13 countries, including the United States and its territories. Because children in military families are highly mobile and many of them must cope with the added stress of having a parent deployed for duty, the Dana Center’s approach blends strategies for curriculum implementation with guidance that will help teachers work with a population of students who sometimes encounter unique challenges along the trajectory from preschool to graduation.
“No matter where they live or what their lives look like outside the classroom, all students deserve opportunities to engage in rich and relevant learning experiences,” said Uri Treisman, executive director of the Dana Center. “They need an environment that motivates and prepares them with a foundation for the lifelong success that research shows comes with understanding math. We are thrilled to work with the Department of Defense Education Activity to promote positive outcomes for every child who sets foot in their schools.”
Children in military families move more than the general population. As their parents get stationed for duty, the average school-age child will change schools six times or more by the time he or she graduates. In part to reduce the challenges associated with frequent school changes, the Department of Defense Education Activity is phasing in a set of college and career-readiness standards across its campuses; 21st Century New Teacher Institutes aims to support the Dana Center in their efforts to help teachers and administrators bring those standards to life for students.